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Cities in Space Podcast

Cities in Space: The Podcast Season 2 Episode 4!

Special Episode! The Cities in Space Podcast, Season 2 Episode 4! The ninth episode of our journey. They’re back! Astronauts Sarah Gillis and Anna Menon share their incredible journey on the Polaris Dawn Mission! Listen in as they answer questions about testing space suits, medical experiments the Polaris Dawn team conducted, their first-ever commercial space walk 1,400KM above the Earth, whether it’s easier to enter or exit our Earth’s atmosphere, and what it was like to communicate in real-time with friends and family. You won’t want to miss this heartwarming and informative episode!

Join us for Season 2 HERE! Cities in Space: The Podcast has reached the highest orbit!
Re-visit 2023’s Cities in Space live event. A tremendous thank you to all of the students, educators, speakers and sponsors who made it all worthwhile.
Watch the Cities in Space 2023 Introduction and Invitation! The event took place in March of 2023. (Contrary to the video, registration is now closed, but here’s a taste of what brought so many educators and students back!.)
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STEAMSPACE Education Outreach® places special emphasis on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) Education and Project Based Learning to create the scientists, artists, engineers and innovators of tomorrow. By working with the leading aerospace and education industries to support explorative education of lunar, Martian and free space settlement, STEAMSPACE Educational Outreach® supports a broadly diverse and all-inclusive educational collaboration.

Where better to begin our future in space than with our children who will be the leading pioneers of this new journey? The members and associates of the STEAMSPACE are dedicated to opening the space frontier in our lifetime to everyone. In support of greater STEAM comprehension in our schools and leading education communities, students can investigate and problem solve real world problems by studying and creating scenarios of lunar, Martian and Free Space settlement. STEAMSPACE believes in the bright hopes and dreams of our future pioneers, surpassing the boundaries of race, gender, ideological and socio-economic difference.

In order to be prepared for the world of free space and settlement, the human race must consider what to do once the traveling is over and we have arrived. Human settlement for lunar, Martian and free space settlement will require an immense amount of skills and resource but eventually, humans will be born in these colonies and the human race can thrive and multiply in a new world alive with new culture, architecture and ideologies in the making of great new civilization. By connecting STEAM curriculum with the space industry, students are able to create compelling solutions to the future problems for space settlement and gain experience in space entrepreneurship.


Creating opportunities for diverse and explorational education in the world of space and space settlement for young minds, surpassing the boundaries of race, economics, gender and identity, ideology, disability and learning differences.

Enabling the creation and development of prosperous and free human communities and economies beyond the Earth.

Fostering a developing and continuing pipeline of future entrepreneurs, creators, managers and workers required for the growing aerospace industry, economy and society to flourish in our bright future on and off the Earth.

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